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I disagree with the third point, we are not going to add any car we see in a film, simply because what we want with this site is that if a person comes to the site and looks for a movie (well not neccesarily a person but also us, the current users) that person can see the cars that appear in a movie so, what is the point of saying that five kilometres far from the main character theres a Fiat Panda passing by if when you are watchign the movie is not appreciable at all??

I think that is a bit what Sixcyl looks for in his movies, so he can show people, or actually for himself, every tiny car shown in a movie, which i dont really know what the point of that is, in a picture it is hardly visible so in the movie..., its ok that in some cases we add an a-bit-far car because we can clearly know it is very rare and although being that small we can recognise it, so we should not fill the pages of unworthy cars, adding every car shown, always it is well visible and recognisble its ok for me.
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