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How about we create a new star listing, "1/2 star", given to any car that is either completely irrelevant to the basic mis-en-scene of the movie and not something that stands out (like something expensive or rare or very noticeable), and we set up film pages so these "half star" cars are listed on a seperate page, people can look at them if they like by clicking on a link, or the page setup can exclude them unless the viewer selects an "All cars" option (like the way you can filter 3-5 star, 2 star and 1 star cars in the page setup. This way sixcyl and other like-minded contributors can still add these "extreme background cars" but they won't clog up the standard page for people who aren't interested in seeing EVERY car that passes by the camera, if they are, then they can still view them.

Only problem is it could take ages to re-rate all the extreme background cars as "1/2 star" cars (personally I think the main admins should do all the movie's they've added, there's no way poor antp could be expected to go through the entire site doing this by himself). This could put an end to the whole Background cars debate and satisfy everyone!

If there's anything you don't quite understand in the main paragraph, I'll try and re-explain it (I'm not I've managed to explain my idea in the best way possible).
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