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Replacement of imageshack
Published 14/02/2012 @ 09:56:22, By vilero
Thanks, I see what you mean but the 'fullpic' option leaves the picture too big and takes a very large space in the comment. For posters I think I'll should use ImageShack...since actually I only have 109 pictures uploaded on my account. I don't know what will happen with, probably, several hundreds I have uploaded as free user.
Replacement of imageshack
Published 14/02/2012 @ 10:21:43, By Jale
Maybe You can do something for pctures scaling? Instead 'fullpic', something like 20-25% of original size? Without cutting the top and bottom?
And indeed - it's far more simple and better than any external upload system.
And indeed - it's far more simple and better than any external upload system.

Replacement of imageshack
Published 14/02/2012 @ 10:48:38, By antp
For non-vehicle pictures external sites can still be used.
In a way I prefer to not store movie posters here, at least not in big sizes (legal reasons).
It is rather for additional vehicle pictures that it is useful to use this new thing (and the horizontal ratio of the thumbnail is made for movie captures, not for posters :D)
Latest Edition: 14/02/2012 @ 10:49:28
In a way I prefer to not store movie posters here, at least not in big sizes (legal reasons).
It is rather for additional vehicle pictures that it is useful to use this new thing (and the horizontal ratio of the thumbnail is made for movie captures, not for posters :D)
Latest Edition: 14/02/2012 @ 10:49:28
Replacement of imageshack
Published 14/02/2012 @ 11:17:32, By Jale
Yes, but - for example - in captures with TV resolution from time to time car is not visible at all

Replacement of imageshack
Published 14/02/2012 @ 11:53:10, By antp
Yes but it is the same as the usual vehicle thumbnails seen on the movie page.
Maybe I should add black borders on sides rather than cutting top & bottom, but last time I made a poll about that it was decided to keep the current system.
Latest Edition: 14/02/2012 @ 11:53:20
Maybe I should add black borders on sides rather than cutting top & bottom, but last time I made a poll about that it was decided to keep the current system.
Latest Edition: 14/02/2012 @ 11:53:20
Replacement of imageshack
Published 14/02/2012 @ 16:49:03, By kegare
A small bug
Step 1: upload a picture called pontiac.jpg
post it
picture shows up in comment
Step 2: upload a different picture called pontiac.jpg
gets automatically renamed to pontiac.1.jpg because the previous one stored in the server has the same name
post it
picture does not show up in comment
Step 1: upload a picture called pontiac.jpg
post it
picture shows up in comment
Step 2: upload a different picture called pontiac.jpg
gets automatically renamed to pontiac.1.jpg because the previous one stored in the server has the same name
post it
picture does not show up in comment
Replacement of imageshack
Published 14/02/2012 @ 17:10:26, By antp
indeed, I tested the upload but not the posting of these
Should be ok now

Should be ok now
Replacement of imageshack
Published 14/02/2012 @ 21:02:17, By G-MANN
Just had a go at using it. Are we only able to upload one image at a time?
On the plus side it does seem much, much faster than the time it normally seems to take imageshack to upload an image and move on to the next page. And also when you click on the thumbnail it goes to the image a lot faster than it takes when you click on an imageshack thumbnail (which in recent times, does this infuriating thing of first only showing you a smaller version of the image, requiring you to click on a zoom in button).
Yes, imageshack does leave a lot to be desired and it's about time we had our own system. But just one thing, you know how imageshack often seems to lose images and you end up with an "x", will this happen with our new system?
And are we really going to lose all our old (if we have more than 500) images stored on imageshack next month? (unless we cave in and pay $2-$4 a month or whatever it is) Are we going to end up with loads of x's in the comments of film pages. I really don't look foward to having to readd all my old thumbnail images on the 300+ films I've added, I'm sure others would feel the same (not that anything would really force us to do this...)
Latest Edition: 14/02/2012 @ 21:22:02
On the plus side it does seem much, much faster than the time it normally seems to take imageshack to upload an image and move on to the next page. And also when you click on the thumbnail it goes to the image a lot faster than it takes when you click on an imageshack thumbnail (which in recent times, does this infuriating thing of first only showing you a smaller version of the image, requiring you to click on a zoom in button).
Yes, imageshack does leave a lot to be desired and it's about time we had our own system. But just one thing, you know how imageshack often seems to lose images and you end up with an "x", will this happen with our new system?
And are we really going to lose all our old (if we have more than 500) images stored on imageshack next month? (unless we cave in and pay $2-$4 a month or whatever it is) Are we going to end up with loads of x's in the comments of film pages. I really don't look foward to having to readd all my old thumbnail images on the 300+ films I've added, I'm sure others would feel the same (not that anything would really force us to do this...)
Latest Edition: 14/02/2012 @ 21:22:02
Replacement of imageshack
Published 14/02/2012 @ 23:20:47, By antp
Are we only able to upload one image at a time?
Yes, that has been replied at least two times in this thread

will this happen with our new system?
I hope not, or else it means that there is a serious problem on imcdb server. How many main vehicle images were lost, except those deleted accidentally by admins?

And are we really going to lose all our old (if we have more than 500) images stored on imageshack next month?
As said in the first post, I plan to automatically transfer these to the new system in the next weeks
Replacement of imageshack
Published 15/02/2012 @ 00:12:15, By owlman
Pay attention G-MANN, or you'll get kicked out of The Big Four!

Replacement of imageshack
Published 15/02/2012 @ 01:59:09, By G-MANN
Thanks, that's a relief.

As said in the first post, I plan to automatically transfer these to the new system in the next weeks
Thanks, that's a relief.
Replacement of imageshack
Published 15/02/2012 @ 09:26:53, By Alessandro58
I'm very happy with the new picture upload system. Thanks! I will use it from now on.
Replacement of imageshack
Published 15/02/2012 @ 11:54:16, By vilero
I'm seriously thinking in upload again all the my missing pictures uploaded through from my page 227 to (decreasing pages) 91 and later again from (in the meanwhile I used photobucket) page 83 to 42. (227-91) + (83-42)= 136 + 41= 177 pages with missing pictures. Seriously thinking?
I'll would need two weeks full time to this.
Obviously hundreds and hundreds of pictures from other users (usually used to merge) are lost forever.

Obviously hundreds and hundreds of pictures from other users (usually used to merge) are lost forever.

Replacement of imageshack
Published 15/02/2012 @ 13:23:51, By antp
Only the last month of is really lost.
Others are still somewhere in my backups. I'll recover these after the imageshack migration.
If you want to start it manually before (e.g. for your contributions) I can put my backup online.
Latest Edition: 15/02/2012 @ 13:24:34
Others are still somewhere in my backups. I'll recover these after the imageshack migration.
If you want to start it manually before (e.g. for your contributions) I can put my backup online.
Latest Edition: 15/02/2012 @ 13:24:34
Replacement of imageshack
Published 15/02/2012 @ 13:58:31, By Sandie
That's good as I'll probably still have any unbackeduped images on my disk (I still have most of my images since late 2010) so nothing of mine will be lost.
Replacement of imageshack
Published 15/02/2012 @ 17:41:43, By vilero
......Others are still somewhere in my backups. I'll recover these after the imageshack migration......
Praise the Lord! I'll wait how many can be recovered from your backup.
Replacement of imageshack
Published 17/02/2012 @ 23:38:55, By antp
Some update of the situation:
I just finished writing a script for downloading pictures / saving locally / updating comments.
I'll check/test that more tomorrow evening.
I do the first tests on a copy of the database so you do not see anything, except errors when I make mistakes (some of you may have seen a few this evening
It will take a while to copy all the pictures, I hope to start the real conversion on Monday, after having done tests this weekend.
Latest Edition: 17/02/2012 @ 23:39:22
I just finished writing a script for downloading pictures / saving locally / updating comments.
I'll check/test that more tomorrow evening.
I do the first tests on a copy of the database so you do not see anything, except errors when I make mistakes (some of you may have seen a few this evening

It will take a while to copy all the pictures, I hope to start the real conversion on Monday, after having done tests this weekend.
Latest Edition: 17/02/2012 @ 23:39:22
Replacement of imageshack
Published 18/02/2012 @ 01:26:41, By tv boy
I appear to have the premium Imageshack account, and I'm not getting the warnings. Should I keep using it or use the new IMCDB account?
Replacement of imageshack
Published 18/02/2012 @ 10:29:45, By antp
the thing on IMDCb itself will be more reliable than imageshack, and it is faster. So except if you want especially use imageshack it is better to use the new ICMDb thing

Replacement of imageshack
Published 18/02/2012 @ 15:22:59, By weasel1984
It is of course excellent addition to the site, only one thing worry me a bit - I guess, I can't delete the pic, I uploaded by mistake or when I want to replace one thumb by another - in better quality for example?
Latest Edition: 18/02/2012 @ 15:25:51
Latest Edition: 18/02/2012 @ 15:25:51
Replacement of imageshack
Published 18/02/2012 @ 16:38:31, By Ddey65
I have to admit, this has been quite useful. I've been able to replace many of the images I previously posted on ImageShack, some of which have been broken. Granted one that I captured for The Beverly Hillbillies shows only part of the previous version, but you get to see a full view of it, once you click on that thumbnail. I'll continue to add more in the future.