Subject: Wow I just noticed a car I hadn't noticed before....
25/09/2006 @ 07:24:46: anthonycortes: Wow I just noticed a car I hadn't noticed before....
I was watching Back to the Future part 1 and for a split secodn I saw a 1953-54 Kaiser. It blew me away I hadn't seen it before, I don't know how to get a pciture of it tho...
25/09/2006 @ 10:31:26: antp: Wow I just noticed a car I hadn't noticed before....
If you describe exactly when it appears I can get it from the DVD.
But is it worth adding it? is it well visible?
25/09/2006 @ 22:52:35: anthonycortes: Wow I just noticed a car I hadn't noticed before....
It probably isn't extremely noticeable, but is somewhat. It is yellow and you see it on the residential street when Marty is chasing his father after they leave the cafe.
25/09/2006 @ 23:09:27: antp: Wow I just noticed a car I hadn't noticed before....
I will check that :wink:
26/09/2006 @ 06:41:57: anthonycortes: Wow I just noticed a car I hadn't noticed before....
thanks :smile: