Subject: Site updates and improvements
26/06/2006 @ 15:21:53: jplemoine: Site updates and improvements
Pitêtre... mais ça facilite singulièrement la tâche pour faire du nettoyage dans ces sacrés ... de :auto183: d' unknowns!
02/07/2006 @ 13:31:36: antp: Site updates and improvements
I added a link called "Move" on the vehicle pages, to allow to move a vehicle to another page. Previously it was possible by changing the movie number on the "Edit" page, but it was losing the comments, so I blocked it. Now it moves both vehicle and related comments.
06/07/2006 @ 20:40:51: Raul1983: Site updates and improvements
What if we had an "add a comment" box in each car model ??

For example this page:

Below this page could read "add a comment" just like in every movie page. I think it could be useful.

06/07/2006 @ 22:22:06: antp: Site updates and improvements
I already thought to that, but it would not be easy to handle.
On the other hand, I plan to add possibiliy to add a kind of "comment" area (editable for admin only) displayed on the first page of a vehicle listing, to add for example links to similar models.
It would allow to add info on the "Austin Mini" page saying that other minis are listed as Morris, etc.
13/07/2006 @ 11:57:54: antp: Site updates and improvements
I modified the contents of the "results page" box of the comments page, cf
Now only the numbers of first 5 + last 5 + few pages around current one are displayed.
I also corrected a bug: now when the number of a movie is changed, it is also changed in the "last completed movies" box.
14/07/2006 @ 08:50:37: garco: Site updates and improvements
Maybe something is wrong there, because if I load the page of my comments, it's OK, but if I click on page 2 or another page I get every comment...

It says: Messages posted by %

'&page=..' is missing.
14/07/2006 @ 11:17:24: antp: Site updates and improvements
Thanks, I forgot something. It is fixed now.
22/07/2006 @ 16:15:50: antp: Site updates and improvements
A statistics page is now available:



movies: &inc0=on

series: n
22/07/2006 @ 18:12:27: wickey: Site updates and improvements
Nice, nice nice again :smile:
22/07/2006 @ 18:16:44: wickey: Site updates and improvements
models are a bit non-precise, for example we have S500, S600 etc. Mercs - they are all S-Klasse. But anyway it is very informative :smile: - now could you put link to statistics to main page?
22/07/2006 @ 19:05:54: antp: Site updates and improvements
Actually if I add a link, the links at the top will not fit on small screens I think :ohwell:
I have to find a solution...
23/07/2006 @ 02:43:23: firebird86: Site updates and improvements
In reference to Explorer4X4 recent activities....... I think a probationary period of 6 months should be applied with definitive outlines and guidelines. I would also like to see an area set aside, accessible only by administrators, where we can collaborate, and uniformly enforce site guidelines. I feel this "area" would help to eliminate mixed messages being given to members as to what is acceptable dialogue, and what are unacceptable questions or topics, ie "What does this horn sound like , or does anyone honk this horn.... ect. This is and can continue to be a great site, but I hate to see members being abused (played) in an effort to go above and beyond the call of duty to answer silly and redundant questions posed by certain members. I think it would be a benefit the site to establish continuity through the use of a type of code of conduct that members (non-adminstrators) would have to stay within the boundries of. Just my two cents worth....any comments???
23/07/2006 @ 05:48:48: qwerty_86: Site updates and improvements
Good idea. A staff section would be perfect.
23/07/2006 @ 12:08:29: antp: Site updates and improvements
This can be done easily on the forum. I can make a section where only administrators have access.
Would it be enough? I know that only few admins come here on the forum, but if I have to add a kind of forum to the site (tather than using this forum) it will take some time...
23/07/2006 @ 15:30:59: wickey: Site updates and improvements
This can be done easily on the forum. I can make a section where only administrators have access.
Would it be enough? I know that only few admins come here on the forum, but if I have to add a kind of forum to the site (tather than using this forum) it will take some time...

I think it should be enough here on Forum :smile:
23/07/2006 @ 18:01:41: wrenchhead: Site updates and improvements
I agree with wickey. If they are interested they will come to the forum and make their voices heard.
24/07/2006 @ 03:28:09: stronghold: Site updates and improvements
Yes ..I'm in agreement also (No need to set up any more complicated Forums ..using this Forum we have in place already is OK.!)
24/07/2006 @ 03:31:51: stronghold: Site updates and improvements
A statistics page is now available:

Great idea ..Well done Antoine :wink:
...I wonder where All those background vehicles came from.?? :kiki: :chut: :whistle:
24/07/2006 @ 05:44:16: firebird86: Site updates and improvements
That would be wonderful, Thank you Antoine.
24/07/2006 @ 06:34:56: qwerty_86: Site updates and improvements
Yeah, on this forum would be good. I think I see most everyone from the comments here in the forum.

Can we also have a mandatory log in before posting? It would help eliminate a lot of the anonymous posts when someone forgets to log in.