Subject: [done] Color of Night
23/01/2007 @ 05:27:07: Anonymous (tonkatracker):  [done] Color of Night

just sent to contrib email:

Mercedes Convertable 4 stars
1979 Pontiac Firebird 4stars
1993 Geo Tracker 3 stars
Chevy Caprice Taxi 1 star
Honda Accord 1 star
Ford Thunderbird 1 star
Ford Truck 2 Stars
Ford Mustang/Taurus 2 stars
Suzuki Samurai 1 star
BMW 2 star
VW Jetta 1star
Suzuki Samurai 1star
Ford Tempo 2 stars
Volvo Wagon 2stars
26/01/2007 @ 19:05:39: Anonymous :  Color of Night
id like to see these pictures

wasnt there a caddilac that fell off the roof also?
29/01/2007 @ 03:00:58: t0nkatracker: Color of Night
just making sure ...did these pics make it to the email?
29/01/2007 @ 11:25:54: antp: Color of Night
yes, I see one email from 23/01/07
06/02/2007 @ 17:37:16: antp: Color of Night
This one seems done, except the Ford Tempo that I do not see on the site :confused:
but the mail was deleted from the mailbox (since it was done)
08/02/2007 @ 16:06:14: garco: Color of Night
It's not deleted antp, it's in the "DONE"-folder... :wink:
Maybe I forgot it? I will look tonight.
08/02/2007 @ 16:26:15: antp: Color of Night
I didn't see that there were 8 pages of messages in the "done" folder :grin: (that's why I didn't see it)
Is there a reason to keep so many old mails? After max 1 month we can delete them. The more e-mail there is in a folder, the slower is this webmail.
08/02/2007 @ 22:16:23: garco: Color of Night
I have made that folder because I don't know what to do with old mail.
We could delete it after a month I guess, good idea.