24/08/2007 @ 18:56:40: chicomarx: Private Lives (1931)
Thanks, I could add quite a few more. Although it's amazing what's already here. Does the make and model need confirmation by the experts before it's added? How does that work?
25/08/2007 @ 00:02:54: Raul1983: Private Lives (1931)
For make and model identification it is useful to show a link of similar vehicle if possible. If two or three 'experts' agree then it is added. This way me avoid making too many mistakes. We have a few old car experts who are really good and they can identify your car. Just wait and see.
30/08/2007 @ 08:30:37: garco: [done] Private Lives (1931)
Don't forget the tag [done]...
30/08/2007 @ 08:34:39: Raul1983: [done] Private Lives (1931)
I don't have admin rights
30/08/2007 @ 09:24:52: garco: [done] Private Lives (1931)
Ah, then antp should make you also a forum admin!
30/08/2007 @ 22:11:43: antp: [done] Private Lives (1931)
Actually you have the rights Raul, if I remember well I gave you admin rights on this section to be able to edit 1st post in the "coming soon" topic
30/08/2007 @ 22:37:26: Raul1983: [done] Private Lives (1931)
Ah, you are right antp
I don't what I was thinking
I need more rest...