Subject: Hemingway vs. Callaghan
04/03/2006 @ 02:15:28: wrenchhead: Hemingway vs. Callaghan
While searching for something else I ran across this bit of info:

Was used in the canadian movie "Hemingway vs. Callaghan"
its a 1929 Morris Cowley Doctors Coupe

If you see the movie watch for it.
04/03/2006 @ 11:35:59: antp: Hemingway vs. Callaghan
you can already create the page with the vehicle, waiting for a picture :wink:
04/03/2006 @ 16:46:29: wrenchhead: Hemingway vs. Callaghan
Since, I got this info from a web page, I will wait until I can confirm before I make a movie page.