Subject: The ice here is dangerous
08/03/2008 @ 02:47:52: 93_Montero: The ice here is dangerous
I live in Indiana and the snow and ice is really building up. I just witnessed an accident about an hour ago. There is this stop sign at the bottom of a hill and you can literally not stop at all. I went through the same stop sign earlier and by the time I stopped moving I was right in the middle of the intersection. Luckily for me there was no car behind or coming toward me. This other guy was not so lucky and the car behind him slammed right into his trunk. I think everyone was OK it's just interesting (not necessarily in a good way) to witness an accident and not be in it. Is anybody else experiencing dangerous driving?
08/03/2008 @ 23:05:19: taxiguy: The ice here is dangerous
Here's a funny video of people sliding in snow/ice (These people are actually pretty stupid :tongue: )
08/03/2008 @ 23:57:14: antp: The ice here is dangerous
I like that one:
09/03/2008 @ 00:13:50: CarChasesFanatic: The ice here is dangerous
The guy in the first SUV had to be accelerating, the car was definertly just not sliding but going too fast, and yes, it is quite funny
09/03/2008 @ 02:06:55: Neptune: The ice here is dangerous
Is anybody else experiencing dangerous driving?

The only dangerous driving we do here in North Carolina is when a major Hurricane makes landfall in our area. As with the case of Hurricane Floyd in 1999. A few weeks prior to Floyd a Hurricane rolled thru the area saturating the land. When Floyd came thru it slowed down in forward momentum just before landfall. It stayed and dumped heavy rain for hours on end – adding to what the other Hurricane had dumped on us. Parts of major roads were submerged or completely washed away. The small rivers and creeks that weave their way thru Brunswick and New Hanover could not discharge water fast enough and rapidly began to overflow. Power outages lasted from a day to almost a week, depending on the area and how much damage it sustained. Curfews were put into effect and people were urged to stay in their homes, not to venture out at night because of downed trees, downed power lines, washed out roads and bridges. Several major road arteries (like Highway 17) were closed or partially closed with mandatory reroutes setup due to massive flooding or because parts of the roads were missing/washed away. State Of Emergency was declared for North Carolina.
09/03/2008 @ 02:18:42: CarChasesFanatic: The ice here is dangerous
Neptune wasnt you the one to have an accident with a Lexus on the freeway? or am i wrong?
09/03/2008 @ 02:33:55: Neptune: The ice here is dangerous
Yep, but that was a few years later. I had gotten rid of my older Expedition by then (though that was the worst thing I could had done, I should have kept it)
09/03/2008 @ 08:20:44: 93_Montero: The ice here is dangerous
I just try to take turns very slowly and carefully and always try to have a large gap in between the car in front of me. The problem is the drivers that are in a hurry that drive too close. Neptune, part of my family lived in Durham, North Carolina during a really bad hurricane awhile back. I can't remember the name of it but their classes were canceled for a long time.
09/03/2008 @ 15:56:31: Neptune: The ice here is dangerous
School classes were canceled until further notice in our area, after Floyd came thru, It may have been Floyd that you are referring too.