Subject: [n/a] Trainspotting, Movie, 1996
04/04/2008 @ 10:25:01: vilero: [n/a] Trainspotting, Movie, 1996

Quote From: Gag Halfrunt
Freight Rover or Leyland DAF Sherpa, belonging to the London Evening Standard newspaper.

Please put it as Gag Halfrunt says. Background car.
04/04/2008 @ 11:17:22: Neon: Trainspotting, Movie, 1996
I think it's too blurred...
04/04/2008 @ 19:58:22: Leoz: Trainspotting, Movie, 1996
Looks like a Sherpa. If it is too blured then post it in the movie coment page.