Subject: Unknown queery
05/06/2008 @ 10:21:19: marioman3138: Unknown queery
Just wondering, why some unknown cars have a capitly u and others have a lower case u.


05/06/2008 @ 11:15:53: antp: Unknown queery
because some people type it with "U" and some other type it with "u"
But as searches are not case-sensitive, it is not a problem.
05/06/2008 @ 12:01:50: marioman3138: Unknown queery
thanks, I was just curious
06/06/2008 @ 08:41:50: garco: Unknown queery
It took me after a year and a half to find out that if I leave the field make blank, automaticly 'unknown' is filled in...
06/06/2008 @ 08:53:27: antp: Unknown queery
Well that was maybe not yet the case when you became admin, I added that later to prevent from leaving the make blank :wink:
07/06/2008 @ 22:28:38: garco: Unknown queery
18/06/2008 @ 08:04:38: garco: Unknown queery
When I uploaded my first picture, I had listed it as unknown unkown...