Subject: [done] The Guyver (1991)
27/08/2008 @ 01:24:32: Kooshmeister: [done] The Guyver (1991)
One of the weirdest movies ever made, with Mark Hamill in a post-Star Wars supporting role, a wimpy hero (even when he's in the titular exosuit), and the villain from Re-Animator and lots and lots of rubber-suited monster guys. :crazy:

Oh yeah, and, uh, some cars. The Guyver is one of those annoying films where there are a good amount of cars but they aren't seen very clearly, especially the ones used by main characters. Max Reed's convertible. A good example of the problem I described above, it is never seen clearly, at least its full body, despite being used in several scenes. I would give it 4 stars since Max is a main character, and he drives the convertible a lot, but the fact the movie stubbornly refuses to give us a good look at the thing forces me to just give it 3 stars. Sean Barker's scooter. Yeah, this is our hero's mode of transportation. It says "Vespa 100" on the back. 3 stars. Ford van used by the villain's goons. 3 stars. Ford (?) station wagon. 2 stars. Ford Aerostar. 1 star. What appear to be some Chevy police cars. 1 star. Just a random parked car I thought looked interesting. 1 star.

And here's the one. A black car used only in one scene (2 stars, if included) but all we see of it is the front right wheel and the passenger's side door as the guy (a creepy John Cusack lookalike) gets out. It does have a sunroof however. My best guess is it's a Lincoln Town Car.

Like Max's convertible, it's not a background vehicle, but the film only shows bits and pieces of it.
27/08/2008 @ 02:40:33: taxiguy: The Guyver (1991)
The station wagon is indeed a Ford, an LTD Crown Victoria Wagon (not a Country Squire, as it does not have fake wood paneling) The "interesting car" is a J-body I think. Could be either a Chevrolet Cavalier, Pontiac Sunbird, or Olds Firenza. And I agree the last one is probably a Town Car.
27/08/2008 @ 03:45:57: BlackIce_GTS: The Guyver (1991)
Random parked car: Yeah, it's a J-body hatchback; Cavalier (MkI), Firenza or Pontiac J2000*.

*That generation was badged as: J2000 (1982), 2000 (1983), 2000 Sunbird (1983 convertibles, and all 1984s), and Sunbird (1985-1988).
27/08/2008 @ 04:04:46: taxiguy: The Guyver (1991)
I suppose the hatch could be the Buick Version (Skyhawk) too come to think of it? Or did the Buick version even come as a hatchback?
28/08/2008 @ 00:04:55: BlackIce_GTS: The Guyver (1991)
Drat, missed that one. GM got really badge-happy with the early J-bodies, didn't they?
There's a good chance that's what it is, too. I was looking for one of the aforementioned with that diagonally offset badge you can see just in front of the taillight in the picture. Here's a Skyhawk which has what looks like the same badge placement (on the opposite side though).
08/09/2008 @ 21:23:28: garco: The Guyver (1991)