Finishing the very good work of user Alessandro58 in main page, I add here some more vehicles and this comment:
The movie is filmed as a documentary, mixing (in black and white) actions of the actors in the movie with (as background) scenes of old documentaries. So vehicles really used for this movie "Zelig" are very few. All the others vehicles come from old documentaries (mixing both tapes). So paying attention to this the only cars "really used by actors" in Zelig are:
3.- This one (new to be added) 2**
4.- These ones (news to be added and only rear view) 1*
5.- This one (new to be added) with 1*
Well, saying previous comment, if we pay attention to the cars of old documentaries that are showed in this movie, what role has each car in Zelig? These vehicles (from old documentaries) aren't used by any actor along the whole movie but, from other part, are showed in the movie.
In my opinion these cars only are 1*, except if the rule in these cases maybe is different in the forum with previous cases like this.
For that reason and only in my opinion I repeat:
1.- 1925 Brewster Knight only 1*
2.- 1925 Studebaker Big Six only 1*
3.- unknown only 1* (not 3***). The scene is about a celebration in NY of classic flyers Amelia Earhart or even Charles Lindberg.
4.- Ambulance unknown only 1* not 3*** (the scene is not filmed by Woody Allen is from a old documentary)
Even more, these cars only are used in a very short scene (a very few seconds) so I think aren't 3*** and must be only 2:
- This unknown 2**
- An this (taxi) unknown 2**
Finishing this post a few new backgrounds to be added (if you think so)1*
At left (ambulance in the middle)
Some here (only rear views)
Here we can use the bike and the vans at left (the bus is listed)
And finally the first we can see through the window