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[Done] Daybreakers, movie, 2010
Published 06/04/2009 @ 09:35:33, By marioman3138
No trailer yet, but according to Ebay Austrlia, a 1978 Pontiac Trans Am Firebird SE.
Here is the link: &_trksid=p3907.m31

The film is some sort of horror movie filmed in Queensland, Austrlia (Neptune... Does this intrest you?)

Latest Edition: 07/04/2009 @ 18:15:00
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Daybreakers, movie, 2010
Published 06/04/2009 @ 16:43:15, By Neptune
Indeed, I love scary movies. :grin:

According to IMDb it even has a respectable cast. Willem Dafoe, Sam Neil (most remembered for his lead role in Jurassic Park) Ethan Hawke and up and coming actress Isabel Lucas.

Should be a good Fright Flick ...
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Daybreakers, movie, 2010
Published 07/04/2009 @ 18:14:42, By vilero
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