Subject: [Done] Green Acres...finally, the Stutz Bearcat!
02/07/2009 @ 06:52:58: tv boy: [Done] Green Acres...finally, the Stutz Bearcat!
I have no idea how I overlooked this the first time since I was looking so hard for it, and did watch this episode...but "Green Acres" season one had navigation issues so I might have missed it that way.

Anyway, here it is. I always suspected there was no way this scene couldn't have had a full shot of the Bearcat in it, and I was right, it has four such shots. Mr. Haney drives up in it, honks the horn, mentions it and drives away in it, so it clearly did more than just sit in the background.

Green Acres

Ep. 1.28

1914 Stutz Bearcat. This is a two star vehicle.

I submit these as alternatives for the pic already on the site.
02/07/2009 @ 10:23:51: vilero: Green Acres...finally, the Stutz Bearcat!