Subject: [Done] Foo Fighters; Long Road to Ruin(2007, Music Video)
25/07/2009 @ 05:06:01: Ddey65: [Done] Foo Fighters; Long Road to Ruin(2007, Music Video)
Does anybody know about the blank space for the Volkswagen Beetle convertible in the 2007 music video for Foo Fighters; Long Road to Ruin?

Well, it doesn't have to be blank for long, because I've got a shot of it. The Porsche 911 is going to be a little more difficult to get, but I'm willing to give it a try.
02/08/2009 @ 21:34:52: Ddey65: Foo Fighters; Long Road to Ruin(2007, Music Video)
Unfortunatley, this is the best image of the Porsche that I can get. So my next question is, how many stars do you rate stunt vehicles that appear briefly?

I think these can be loaded up.
12/08/2009 @ 14:03:32: vilero: Foo Fighters; Long Road to Ruin(2007, Music Video)

I'll do the captures later in this video with better quality
12/08/2009 @ 19:38:24: vilero: Foo Fighters; Long Road to Ruin(2007, Music Video)