Subject: My profile was updated :) take a look
08/04/2006 @ 20:08:39: wickey: My profile was updated :) take a look
I will add all movies also there :smile:
08/04/2006 @ 20:17:32: antp: My profile was updated :) take a look
I could make this listing automatic for all members profiles, like you have the link to get all comments posted by a user... I'll put that on my to-do list.
08/04/2006 @ 20:46:40: wickey: My profile was updated :) take a look
nice idea - it will spare about 2 hours of my life :grin: - suddenly too late now :grin:
just kidding :smile:
08/04/2006 @ 21:18:02: antp: My profile was updated :) take a look
you could ask that, I could give you the list by typing « select * from movie_s where movie_contrib like '' » :grin: