Subject: [Done] two more from "The Naked City" (1948)
21/12/2009 @ 02:11:51: tv boy: [Done] two more from "The Naked City" (1948)

I decided to watch this movie one more time before sending it back and I found two more trucks I left out the first time. They appear to be actual U.S. Mail trucks leaving a postal distribution center. I don't know the makes or models but they're two stars each.

By the way, the last batch I posted drew complaints that they were "deformed." I never saw, and still don't see, anything in the images that look distorted. The confusion may be that the pics' dimensions are a little off; that's likely because I cropped off black borders before uploading them to the forum. Here's what one looked like before editing, note that it was originally 720 x 480.
21/12/2009 @ 09:48:10: vilero: two more from "The Naked City" (1948)