Subject: Interesting information on how to identify the year of a car in Argentina
28/08/2010 @ 04:27:55: Gomsel: Interesting information on how to identify the year of a car in Argentina
It is still unclear what will be done when the system runs out of numbers. The 3-letter-plus-3-digit code allows for 26³ × 10³ = 17,576,000 license plates. RAA-000 to ZZZ-999 were reserved for older vehicles. Since 1995, new licenses have been issued starting from AAA-000. In July 2005, new cars have licenses starting with F, while about the same month in 2004, license plates started with E. This shows that, if licenses continue to be granted at the current rate, in a few years the system will run out of numbers. An efficient solution would be to add a fourth letter, which will increase the system's capacity by a factor of 26, to 456,976,000 vehicles (a fourth number would only increase it tenfold to 175,760,000 licenses). In August 2008, new cars had plates starting with HK. As of 2009[update], the series has reached the mid I series.

Evolution of lettering from Argentinean License Plates (starts January 1st 1995)

Jan 1st, 1995 - AA-
Jan 1st, 1996 - AP-
Jan 1st, 1997 - BD-
Jan 1st, 1998 - BV-
Jan 1st, 1999 - CO-
Jan 1st, 2000 - DC-
Jan 1st, 2001 - DQ-
Jan 1st, 2002 - DX-
Jan 1st, 2003 - EC-
Jan 1st, 2004 - EH-
Jan 1st, 2005 - ET-
Jan 1st, 2006 - FI-
Jan 1st, 2007 - GA-
Jan 1st, 2008 - GV-
Jan 1st, 2009 - HU-
Jan 1st, 2010 - IN-

According to first letter start:

A - JAN 1995
B - OCT 1996
C - MAR 1998
D - NOV 1999
E - MAY 2002
F - JUN 2005
G - DEC 2006
H - FEB 2008
I - APR 2009
J - JUL 2010