Subject: help me to identify Dodge armored truck
19/04/2013 @ 08:24:58: userFIO: help me to identify Dodge armored truck
There is a photo of Brinks armored truck, that was taken in Tabernas, Spain.
Near it you can see the other truck from post-apocalyptic movie Solarbabies, that was also filmed in Spain in mid 80th. Im interested whether the white truck was ever filmed in other movie. :wink: Does anybody know the model and year of this truck?
19/04/2013 @ 16:16:06: kegare: help me to identify Dodge armored truck
At first sight I assumed it was a D-Series but after seeing that it has a protruding front axle it appears to be rather a W-Series. It looks like a shortened chassis. By the wheels it is maybe a W-500. The grille can't be seen, so not sure of the year.