Subject: Nude pics vs Google
23/08/2015 @ 11:43:55: antp: Nude pics vs Google
Heu non ça ne sert à rien de les signaler, vu la quantité je ne ferai pas ça manuellement. J'automatiserai ça comme j'ai fait pour les images qui fonctionnaient à l'époque.
Et ce que je pourrai récupérer dans les backups ce ne sont pas spécialement mes images, je sauvegardais plus ou moins tout ce qui était posté.
04/09/2015 @ 21:35:21: Gamer: Nude pics vs Google
And here's another, I discovered it by complete accident...
05/09/2015 @ 04:08:09: eLMeR: Nude pics vs Google
I thought only hardcore religious men wanted women to be hidden in potato sacks. I was wrong, as apparently some German schoolboys think that way too...
05/09/2015 @ 10:43:24: antp: Nude pics vs Google
Well not hidden in sacks but they could at least hide a little their breast on a car-related site that includes visitors from like USA that are afraid of that :grin:
05/09/2015 @ 16:49:44: dsl: Nude pics vs Google
.... women to be hidden in potato sacks.

Sadly, nobody ever asks us potato enthusiasts whether we actually want to keep finding women in our sacks. Leave my Shetland Blacks and Pink Fir Apples alone.
05/09/2015 @ 22:21:41: DidierF: Nude pics vs Google
Hear, hear!
19/09/2015 @ 09:32:02: Gamer: Nude pics vs Google

Yes, I'm aware that the pic will get deleted sooner or later, but what to do if I'm too lazy to create an Imageshack account? :grin:
25/09/2015 @ 21:59:01: Gamer: Nude pics vs Google
And this? (typhlosion's thumb)
25/09/2015 @ 22:59:24: antp: Nude pics vs Google
it is just a not very realistic drawing :kiki:
27/09/2015 @ 00:19:40: ingo: Nude pics vs Google

Yes, I'm aware that the pic will get deleted sooner or later, but what to do if I'm too lazy to create an Imageshack account? :grin:

Modern computers know everything about their users, so they show them advertises for the most clicked, so most interesting topics and themes. Your computer has reasons, to show such kind of ads.

I see for example
27/09/2015 @ 14:30:32: Gamer: Nude pics vs Google
Must've been from all that boob-hunting...
15/11/2015 @ 21:18:00: Gamer: Nude pics vs Google
Second thumb - borderline?

Discovered by accident...
16/11/2015 @ 22:31:35: DidierF: Nude pics vs Google
Mais, exactement, quelle est la raison d'être de ce sujet, à part permettre à Gamer de rencontrer la femme sans avoir à se cacher ?

Sommes-nous toujours à rechercher les bons points distribués par l'acariâtre maîtresse d'école Google ?
17/11/2015 @ 08:52:02: antp: Nude pics vs Google
Even if Google Absence never unbanned the site, I still want to avoid the too "explicit" pictures, to avoid potential problems with other Google services (like the Search) and the current ad providers.
02/12/2015 @ 22:12:27: ingo: Nude pics vs Google
Second thumb - borderline?
Discovered by accident...

No. By paranoia.
15/01/2016 @ 15:08:20: Purzel89: Nude pics vs Google
Last thumb...
16/01/2016 @ 00:10:40: antp: Nude pics vs Google
none of these were really useful
09/03/2016 @ 00:52:20: PMEntertainmentLives: Nude pics vs Google
Excuse me for popping up just to say the following, but why is Gamer rarely taken seriously when it comes to this?

To this day, I've seen countless occasions of him being practically "bullied" whenever a nude pic or thumbnail shows up. And other times, users are just being mean at him. A really important example from the page of La Collectionneuse (1967): him being told "shut the f*** up, you poor a**hole" by DidierF. :heink: That makes someone's day, doesn't it? (I'm also very creeped out by his so-called prediction of "Gamer killing women and carving Svastikas on them in three years", seen at the very top of this page.)

Sorry again, but it's things like these that don't make me see IMCDb as "a good place". :ohwell: That's all I had to say. Forgive me for taking so long to say this, for bumping this topic after two months, for not minding my own business, etc. (P.S.: I'm not trying to "attack" anybody, I just want to say what irritates me and that's it. I know bullying when I see it.) *leaves*
09/03/2016 @ 08:57:03: antp: Nude pics vs Google
at some point the has been rather annoying about that subject, but indeed the reactions were probably too harsh. i'll clean the comments on that page since it does not give a good image for people visiting the page afterwards...
09/03/2016 @ 12:20:48: PMEntertainmentLives: Nude pics vs Google
Good. 'cause everytime I see these:
"Shut up and don't let the trolls out. You are old enough either. Or do you really avoid public beaches, bathing-lakes and open pools for that reason? At that weather we have now?"
"Shut the fuck up, Gamer, you poor asshole! And go play where you do belong, the 4-10 yo."

I think of how nobody else would've gotten away with saying that. Gamer said it very well (though in German): "I ask a simple question, and what do I get?" And heck, sometimes, I think I can be considered more "annoying" than him, and I never got any reactions. I'm just tired of seeing him get "bullied". He may have been annoying with that, but it's not like he had bad intentions, did he? Not to the point of getting "STFU, you poor AH" and "In three years, Gamer will kill women and carve Svastikas on them".

Another example: a risqué thumbnail (from "Der König von St. Pauli" (1998)) had popped up once. Without Gamer having even said a word, we get "Gamer, before you become the pain in the @$$, THIS is St. Pauli. Got it?", closely followed by "Isn't St. Pauli a bit too much of a no-go for little Gamer?". THAT's bullying, and uncalled for, at that. And keep in mind, THAT only happened *last month*. I think they just do that because of his age. Hey, I'm ONLY a few months older than him. Now that I said that, will they start "mocking" me as well?

(I have to add that when Gamer angrily replied (to DidierF) that he would add 1990s trash films, you (antp) replied "This means I should ban you to prevent crap being added to IMCDb?". ...I added two 1990s trash films. Does that mean I risked getting banned myself? And Galloper, for example? HE adds those a LOT, and I don't see him banned (thankfully)!)
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