Subject: Nude pics vs Google
09/03/2016 @ 13:38:15: antp: Nude pics vs Google
my comment was not about the trash films, but the fact that he said he was going to add a lot of background cars: at that time in addition of tracking pictures with a little nudity more aggressively than useful, he was also adding A LOT of too background cars, without making an effort of understanding what was acceptable or not. We often had to delete more than 50% of what he added... Hence my comment, and why he lost his contribution rights in the meantime.
09/03/2016 @ 15:27:30: PMEntertainmentLives: Nude pics vs Google
Oh, you meant it like that. Sorry.

And he lost his contribution rights? I thought he had decided to stop.
09/03/2016 @ 15:43:39: Lateef: Nude pics vs Google
Nope, he added that line into his profile after his uploading rights were revoked for the last time.
09/03/2016 @ 15:59:19: Gamer: Nude pics vs Google
Thanks for the memories, guys! :sad:

As dsl once said: Things run more smoothly when we leave old disputes alone. Shaking the tree again helps no-one.

Now is the time of the second "quiet era" let's hope it stays...
09/03/2016 @ 16:54:04: PMEntertainmentLives: Nude pics vs Google
I know, but I saw that this saying wasn't respected lately.

This doesn't concern me, I am sorry for bringing this up: I just want [what I mentioned] to stop once and for all, 'cause I feel this gives IMCDb a bad image. Now, I'm finished talking.

I meant well, but I realize that this wasn't the way. I apologize again and will now stay out of this discussion.
23/06/2016 @ 00:07:08: mike962: Nude pics vs Google
nude pic
07/08/2017 @ 11:35:08: Gamer: Nude pics vs Google
And another:
07/08/2017 @ 12:10:42: Reg1992: Nude pics vs Google

Guess I inadvertently drew attention to it :whistle:
15/08/2017 @ 09:18:21: Reg1992: Nude pics vs Google
Not sure if this really counts but there is a nude pic in the forum's emojis:

(Can we cut down on the emoji's, by the way? Takes me forever just to find a specific one I want to use)
15/08/2017 @ 13:12:33: antp: Nude pics vs Google
That's the forum, not the site, I can't do anything on it.
19/08/2017 @ 14:54:14: Gamer: Nude pics vs Google
Dickkiller's thumbs here:
19/08/2017 @ 18:03:29: Lateef: Nude pics vs Google
Now you're being the dickkiller, Gamer... :grin:
09/09/2017 @ 06:55:38: Reg1992: Nude pics vs Google
Now you're being the dickkiller, Gamer... :grin:
05/12/2017 @ 22:10:04: Gamer: Nude pics vs Google
I hate to do this, but here's another:
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