Subject: Nude pics vs Google
28/04/2014 @ 19:22:12: ingo: Nude pics vs Google
Seems already more serious (and easier for invoicing) that the few other Israel-based companies that I tested previously... I'll check that

Hmm, can the possibility be excluded then, that we may could get problems due political reasons? We have quite a lot of movies from Arabian countries and the Iran listed.
28/04/2014 @ 19:40:33: antp: Nude pics vs Google
I doubt it would cause problems. These companies are just intermediate, and as long as the site is not some anti-Israel site I do not see why they would care.
04/08/2014 @ 16:34:32: Ddey65: Nude pics vs Google
FYI, I almost considered posting nude pics of Christy Carlson Romano on Mirrors 2(, because that was the only reason I could think of for seeing that movie.
04/08/2014 @ 18:06:38: antp: Nude pics vs Google
Good that you didn't :tongue:
Especially just now that I submitted again a claim to Google to try to get their ads back.
08/08/2014 @ 02:27:05: eLMeR: Nude pics vs Google

Even if there is no nude pics shown here for this movie, will Ggle inquisitors be Ok such an explicit name?
(maybe only one car for this movie because of numerous indoor scenes and/or close-up views? :grin: )
08/08/2014 @ 10:13:14: antp: Nude pics vs Google
I do not think the name would be a problem.
Anyway, as they rarely say what's wrong, it will be nearly impossible to find what they do not like this time :ohwell:
(the problematic link on the forum that they gave last time is gone since months, but they still reject the appeal)
11/09/2014 @ 14:36:26: Ddey65: Nude pics vs Google
I've got a 1971 Plymouth Fury I from The Groove Tube (1974), with a naked guy who thinks he's going to score with a girl in the woods only to stumble upon the cops who drive that car. Should I post a black box over this guy's ass, or should I just leave it as is.
11/09/2014 @ 16:33:51: antp: Nude pics vs Google
You can try pixelate the picture like I did fr many others. It looks better than a black box.
Or if you don't know how, add the car without pic and send me the pic by private message, I'll do it.
05/10/2014 @ 01:12:20: eLMeR: Nude pics vs Google
Ever thought about asking money to Imageshack, for indirect ads? :smile:
05/10/2014 @ 11:00:44: DidierF: Nude pics vs Google
Tu es caustique, eLMeR.

Does it mean that what we are giving as reserve pics in comments is bound to disappear within a couple years?

(Antoine, did you see? Not one photo of Mireille Darc naked from me, this time!)
05/10/2014 @ 21:36:55: eLMeR: Nude pics vs Google
Tu es caustique, eLMeR.

Non, juste facétieux :wink:

Does it mean that what we are giving as reserve pics in comments is bound to disappear within a couple years?

Semi off-topic: that is what is going to happen with all "free" tools like Gmail, DropBox, FaceBook, etc. Make regular back-ups, because the question is not if but when all these tools will stop to be freely accessible (with or without real warning)...

(Antoine, did you see? Not one photo of Mireille Darc naked from me, this time!)

(Sigh!) Mireille Darc's dress in "Le grand blond"...
05/10/2014 @ 23:22:08: antp: Nude pics vs Google
They are/were providing a service to us, so we were paying them indirectly by advertising for them and bring traffic to them. That's how most of these free image service work (except some like imgur, that's a mystery to me).

Does it mean that what we are giving as reserve pics in comments is bound to disappear within a couple years?

I converted all (most of) imageshack and pictures a few months/years ago.
The remaining ones are those which were dead at the time I made the conversion (some may have reappeared since) or that were in png (I only processed jpegs).

That's to avoid the lose of many pics that I made the upload service (reserved for the site's comments, as I do not have infinite money available for that).

All the remaining links to are lost forever, I already recovered all those I had in backup.
Some of the dead links to imageshack may be recovered: I have many in backups, but I still haven't taken the time to make a script to recover these.

edit: cf the thread created back then, when I created the service:
08/10/2014 @ 16:17:28: Gamer: Nude pics vs Google
Another one:
13/10/2014 @ 20:41:27: Gamer: Nude pics vs Google
And the last two thumbnails on the main page here are pretty much on the borderline; what do you say, admins?
13/10/2014 @ 21:46:36: antp: Nude pics vs Google
not useful indeed
02/11/2014 @ 10:44:55: Gamer: Nude pics vs Google
Oh yes, and the infamous :whistle:
08/11/2014 @ 08:59:12: Gamer: Nude pics vs Google
Found another, eighth and ninth thumbnails in gliffhanger's post:
08/11/2014 @ 12:47:31: antp: Nude pics vs Google
Thanks, I removed these
11/11/2014 @ 13:33:27: Gamer: Nude pics vs Google
Does animated count too?
11/11/2014 @ 13:50:05: antp: Nude pics vs Google
I don't know
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