21/03/2019 @ 23:29:17: Keats: Pilot episodes - numbering?
Just about to enter vehicles from a TV series, and have encountered a numbering anomaly: The 2-hour pilot episode was given no "stand-alone" number, just listed as the pilot, followed by Season 1.01, 1.02, etc.
How do I list vehicles from the pilot episode?
21/03/2019 @ 23:43:46: dsl: Pilot episodes - numbering?
The ideal choice is to follow imdb's numbering system (although that's not always bulletproof, so can be tweaked if there's a better system). I think I've seen folk writing Pilot in the ep box, or it could be entered as 0.01.
Whatever you end up doing, a simple explanation in main page comments should cover it painlessly.
22/03/2019 @ 00:15:34: Keats: Pilot episodes - numbering?
OK - thanks!
24/03/2019 @ 21:41:17: Sandie: Pilot episodes - numbering?