Subject: IMCDb listed on Wikipedia???
01/08/2006 @ 03:12:23: dwd4X4: IMCDb listed on Wikipedia???
Has anyone noticed the article on Wikipedia about IMCDb? I always thought IMCDb was a small site, as in not well known.
01/08/2006 @ 07:22:45: qwerty_86: IMCDb listed on Wikipedia???

A link would help. :wink: Interesting article. Look in the history tab. You might find someone familiar.
01/08/2006 @ 10:28:11: antp: IMCDb listed on Wikipedia???
Actually it is Sonett72 (that posted few Saab pictures on imcdb) that notified me about this article :grin:
01/08/2006 @ 15:41:40: dwd4X4: IMCDb listed on Wikipedia???
Who wrote it? I am shocked Rocker hasn't found it...

01/08/2006 @ 16:34:09: firebird86: IMCDb listed on Wikipedia???
I wonder who was looking for the 12 wheel vehicle from Damnation Alley? Its called a Landmaster link, and was built by Dean Jefferies just for the movie. The Landmaster still exists today, in some what disheveled condition...