Subject: Unknown car in unknown movie, based on 1950 Sunbeam Talbot 90
19/06/2023 @ 17:55:48: antp: Unknown car in unknown movie, based on 1950 Sunbeam Talbot 90
More than two years ago I received this by e-mail, I suggested to post it in the forum but I think in the end it was never posted here, now I'm cleaning some old mails so I post it myself for the owner:

I recently purchased this car below. It is based on a 1950 Sunbeam Talbot 90, but a new aluminium sports body was made apparently for a movie. However the history is lost, and I am trying to find out what that movie was.

I have searched your extensive database as well as I can and I cannot find anything under Sunbeam. I was wondering if you have any smart ways of searching the whole database?

Here is what I know about the car:
Based on a 1950 Sunbeam Talbot 90
Rebodied for a movie somewhere between 1995 and 2005
The work was privately done, not by Sunbeam, so could be called anything!
A one-off car. No other cars like this were built.
20/06/2023 @ 00:56:45: dsl: Unknown car in unknown movie, based on 1950 Sunbeam Talbot 90
Can confirm the car details:
We've identified this vehicle using the details you provided
Registration number: KLJ 826
Body type: Sports
Colour: Red
Date of first registration: September 1950

... and this 2019 auction listing gives the info and photos.

However no trace of it among our Sunbeams or Sunbeam-Talbots, nor anything referencing KLJ 826 plate. So maybe we don't have the film yet??
20/06/2023 @ 08:21:40: antp: Unknown car in unknown movie, based on 1950 Sunbeam Talbot 90
Possible indeed. I've put it here so in case some day one of use sees it in a movie, maybe he'll remember this thread. And so I can also contact the owner to give the info.

Or it is already listed in a movie, but without its plate visible, somewhere in the "unknown" category :grin:
20/06/2023 @ 16:32:52: dsl: Unknown car in unknown movie, based on 1950 Sunbeam Talbot 90
Once I'd worked out how to line them up, I looked through our unknown convertibles in films dated from about 1993 to 2007, but nothing obvious. Maybe not watertight - for instance it might have appeared in a series with longer date runs or not listed as convertible if only partly visible. Nothing in "Made for Movie" convertibles either, and I've exhausted all the tricks I can think of which could find it.