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School buses, motorcoaches, RVs, conversion vans, minivans, and public transportation metrorail
Published 06/06/2023 @ 17:33:03, By John Sulu
Are public transportatio metrorail listed on this site as often as school buses, motorcoaches, RVs, conversion vans, and minivans?
a) yes
b) no

When you answer, can you give me a reason why that is as well as an explanation?
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School buses, motorcoaches, RVs, conversion vans, minivans, and public transportation metrorail
Published 06/06/2023 @ 18:01:25, By night cub
We don't list trains and other vehicles that ride on rails.

So trolley-buses, that have tires and are powered by power lines above are acceptable, but regular trolley cars that ride on tracks are not.
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