Subject: The eBay-Thread
17/09/2012 @ 21:22:01: Andre Malraux: The eBay-Thread :sol:
23/10/2012 @ 21:27:33: dsl: The eBay-Thread
Anyone for a Tickford Metro?
23/10/2012 @ 21:39:40: Sandie: The eBay-Thread
Cygnet development hack?
24/10/2012 @ 16:11:16: dsl: The eBay-Thread
Apparently Aston want to put the 6.0 V12 from the Vantage into a special run of Cygnets, and claim it would fit.
25/04/2013 @ 17:06:46: Sandie: The eBay-Thread
A New Car for dsl
25/04/2013 @ 17:33:01: dsl: The eBay-Thread
Nice. I was in Fort William a couple of weeks ago and could have picked it up as a present for cl82.
11/05/2013 @ 08:54:54: ingo: The eBay-Thread
:hello: folks all around, I would be very pleased, if you could check, if you can find this auction 5.l2649
with the number 310667898194
somewhere, somehow. My eBay-nick is 4832533680. What auctions can you see under this nick?

Yesterday evening I've placed four auctions, all banal stuff, all four are placed, as "My eBay" says, nothing was deleted by them.
But this specific auction, 100 bottle caps/crown corks from all around the world, are not visible except for me on "My eBay"!

One topic is probably important: two bottle caps are souveniers from my North Korea-trip, and when I've started the auction, thery came a warning notice - from the US Treasury ?!?!

My auctions are all running via! O.k., I always offer international shipping.

My question to the eBy customers support is not answered yet.

Can there really be the total bizarre situation, that some authorities, far away in the USA, became nervous, because I wrote "North Korea" and "DPRK" in my auction? Because of the fact, that two lousy little crown caps are from there? Excitement, caused by two shitty bottle caps?
11/05/2013 @ 19:05:00: chicomarx: The eBay-Thread
Now they're all visible, sometimes it takes a while. Relax. :smile:
14/05/2013 @ 22:55:45: cl82: The eBay-Thread
@Dsl: How about this as a substitute for that lousy Hillman:
15/05/2013 @ 00:23:29: dsl: The eBay-Thread
No thanks - nor these (for me anyway).
15/05/2013 @ 22:26:14: karoomay: The eBay-Thread
Now that's the first time I've seen a car with foldable trays! :lol:
19/05/2013 @ 03:18:54: owlman: The eBay-Thread
self-cobbled first generation Ford Taurus stretch limousine :mareek:
20/05/2013 @ 17:47:28: ingo: The eBay-Thread
:hello: I-Denev, I see, that you are just logged in. I would be very happy, if you could help me with the translation of this advertise: tails&slink=2ycmna

26/05/2013 @ 11:50:22: antp: The eBay-Thread
A US 404 found in a barn in good shape:
27/05/2013 @ 00:16:57: Sandie: The eBay-Thread
Anybody got room for 29 SAABs?
Citroen Axel in UK
27/05/2013 @ 00:48:55: Andre Malraux: The eBay-Thread

It's not a Citroen Axel, it's a Romanian Oltcit. :sol:
27/05/2013 @ 00:52:52: Andre Malraux: The eBay-Thread

:love: :love: :love:
27/05/2013 @ 14:07:23: antp: The eBay-Thread

If I had time, money and space, why not :grin:
If I just had time and money, I could buy near from were I live to have a lot of space for cars :smile:
(small office that could be transformed into a house, and a huge 2-level garage)
16/06/2013 @ 15:56:58: owlman: The eBay-Thread
If you are looking for an immaculate, well maintained example of a Mercedes e320 CDI... you have come to the wrong place.
17/06/2013 @ 00:08:41: night cub: The eBay-Thread
Looks like Adele is selling a car, but hey, she fits in the trunk!! :wink: