Subject: Ha Dong-hwan versus Hadonghwan
20/01/2017 @ 13:52:15: rjluna2: Ha Dong-hwan versus Hadonghwan
I have a question in regarding to the naming convention for Korean made vehicles from the 1950s to the 1970s before they name it Dong-A Motor.

According to the Wikipedia, they name it as Ha Dong-hwan Motor Workshop. I have it established the naming convention at the Wikimedia Commons page as Ha Dong-hwan when I discovered these vehicles posted there.

Their original title for that company as described as: 하동환자동차제작소 (hadonghwanjadongchajejagso according to the Google Translate) 8.B0.EC.97.85_.EC.97.B0.ED.98.81

However our naming convention is listed as Hadonghwan here:

What gives?
20/01/2017 @ 15:20:34: antp: Ha Dong-hwan versus Hadonghwan
we can change it if needed; I don't know which version is the right one, though
20/01/2017 @ 22:19:19: rjluna2: Ha Dong-hwan versus Hadonghwan
That is a good question :think: