Warning, this subject is old (6652 days without answer)
We should list 'I don't care' under 'No'....
Why not under "yes"?
The goal of this was for people that wanted to stay neutral.
We should list 'I don't care' under 'No'....
Let's wait for MrCadillac...
Well, video clips are more a movie than video games, though that only second is listed on IMDB... so IMDB is not an absolute reference (I wonder why they do not list video clips btw).
Currently the votes are nearly equal between yes and no, so I guess we will wait a little more...
if imdb_no = null
message('No link to IMDB, it's not a movie. If it's really a movie, please contact antp.')
end if;
i vote yes
because i see the clip some time ago and is a small movie...in fact some music videos arent videos, are short movies...