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For the cars he owns, my father keeps then while they do not have problems and do not cost more per year than a new one. That's how he kept his 1984 Civic for 11 years, and that he still drives his 1995 106 Rallye

If you like cars and you can afford it why not buying one every three or four years?? i'd do it, why keeping a car over ten years when they get old and start giving problems?
Isn't it better financially to buy a car and keep it for a long time (about 10 years or so) rather than changing cars every few years? Cars depreciate quickest in the first couple of years.
Well, truthfully I don’t need a new vehicle (the one I have is just fine, no need to get rid of it) its just I have never kept a vehicle for a long period of time anyway. I keep telling myself: "This will be my last new vehicle, I’ll keep it till the wheels fall off." However I fail to heed my own words in spite of myself. Though I would rather be addicted to having a new car, than be addicted to alcohol or drugs ...

Salesman: Fine, fine, well, um, at around what point toward the end of next year would you be willing to move forward into purchasing a new Expedition?
Me: Well I'm not sure really ... (What I really wanted to say was: How the hell do I know! That's toward the end of NEXT YEAR for crying out loud! I may not get anything at all ... )
Me: Well I'm not sure really ... (What I really wanted to say was: How the hell do I know! That's toward the end of NEXT YEAR for crying out loud! I may not get anything at all ... )
That's the American hard sell for you!

Sorry, it was Eddie Bauer.
I thought that you would mention this, but what trim level did you test drive?
The one on Oleander, Capital Ford. I don’t think I’ve ever stopped by their other place on Market. I don’t like salesmen who are pushy, wanting you to buy a car right then and there, its just not professional. When I get a another Expedition, it certainly will not be from there.
was this the one on Oleander or on Market? I went in to the one on Market just to get a brochure for the Escape (for when my mom was looking - she ended up with a CRV) the guy tried to sell me one right I would replace my Passat with an Escape.