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Do I read the word obstinate? :2501:
I've only just noticed this thread. (As I no longer check the forum on a daily basis)
I agree with CCF (check my original comments which were made before this discussion started here:-, which have been archived?)
After just reading Dragonboys reply from that time (and doing some checking up)According to the IMCDB records, at that time you had only made 22 comments to the site (13 of those just episode numbers for top gear) and No actual vehicle identifications (where is this 'I've had my moments' comment coming from?) Also from the records I can see your first comment on the forum was this month and your first comment on the site was the 3rd may 2008.!
Strange that, as you've said Twice that you've been here almost a year (In Fact Not even half a year.!)
Get your facts right.
dragonboy3000 >> you are not supposed to publish private messages in public.
Do not try to start a kind of war, you won't win that one.
As I said just above, I did not follow the start of the discussion.
I agree with CarChasesFanatic on the fact that it is easier that he puts the pic himself if he can get these quickly (four days is quick). What I was not agreeing with, is the way he said it.
Especially the part about remove your pics that another admin would have uploaded.
But be sure that no admin will upload pics if they know that CarChasesFanatic would do it anyway few days later (again, it is not like if we would have to wait 2 weeks to get the pics), as it would be wasted time compared to other contributions waiting to be processed.
Yes, not all people on the site have same rights, admins have higher priorities for posting things, but that's how the site works currently, you won't change it just because you want it different :tongue:
You are welcome to contribute on other movies/series/shows/etc., there are so many things not yet on the site.
The only thing i will say is that i dont consider myself as an obstinate at all, i just said what i thought and you were more of the same, just that you feel more weak and try the hardest to solve this and make me look as the bad guy when it could had been as simple as just asking for it and you know you didnt, i've never been obstinated before it's always that i can't hide what i think when i reach to a point in where someone offends me or is against me with a high insistence, i'm fed up of you already.

With this you've just put the icing on the cake.
Again antp, you have responded in a way that is known to most human beings as being sensible.
But it doesn't matter anymore; I'm no longer gonna converse with him until he lets it all go, but when that WAS happening i e-mailed the higher power of IMCDb and went over his idiotic head and here was THEIR reply (again this THEIR reply, not mine):
by the time i see them uploaded on the page i'll remove them,

:heink: that's nice for the admin who would have taken time to upload these.

What is the problem actually? That he wants to submit them through the forum faster than what you do yourself?
As I did not follow the start of the discussion, I did not understand that you actually also get pics from that show, but that you get them a little later than what he submits.
Wasn't there some more subtle and gentle way to discuss that?
Indeed if you can get the pic few days after the show aired, it is maybe easier that you do the pics for that one yourself, but there are better way to explain it than how you did, I think :confused:
And what if there are other admins? by the time i see them uploaded on the page i'll remove them, it is as simple as that, and its you who started all this not knowing how to behave propertly, implying things i never said and then thinking you can come here as new and do what you want, and you are not anybody to say whether i deserve this or not because your opinion doesnt count, it is you being immature over and over again because you just dont stop it, it's all said, and as i've said earlier i have never had any problem like this before, i'm not acting on a way or another but just responding back with more of the same that you give to me.

So keep dreaming because you won´t see them posted.
But as you very well said, there's no point of submitting them, they wont go further from the forum.

Need i say more! Yes i do! I still really don't care, only YOU are saying that, there are HEAPS of other admins out there who have better attitudes towards contribution then you. And i keep mentioning YOU boy cos YOU are the one who is acting in YOUR manner cos YOU are the problem.
Just because YOU are an admin does not give you the right to act all high and mighty and ABUSE your PRIVILEGE. And if your gonna use it in this stupid and immature manner, then despite the fact you contribute heaps i dont see why you should rightfully have that power if YOUR gonna act this way.
It's not of how an admin should behave, i'd never do that otherwise, but i dont have to bear your behaviour, and you still want to move over it but yet you keep mentioning me.

But as you very well said, there's no point of submitting them, they wont go further from the forum.
Thnx antp you have been very helpful.I cant say the same about CCF, cos as you can see, even if i do get the right size and all, theres no point putting them up as even if another admin got to them, theyre mine, so carchases will just get rid of them and despite the bad blood that happened, that is completely and totally immature and stupid, not how an admin should behave.

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