Send an answer to a topic: Merry Christmas 2008!!
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A bit late, but here they are, the pics of my "pre-Christmas-dirt-track-race" after buying the Christmas-tree:
You all have a nice dinner and a happey New Year entrance!
i see you all next year, bye.

Veselé Vianoce a Šťastný Nový rok! (Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year) to you all!
I am sorry, I have been inactive or much less active in past few months, but I will try to be better
I am sorry, I have been inactive or much less active in past few months, but I will try to be better

P.S.II: isn't the 6th of January also the "Christmas"-day for the Russian, Greek and Armenian Orthodox-Chrurch?
P.S. Just today I've said to my colleagues (in the claim-department of an insurance), that it would be senseful to demand higher insurance-fees for Catholic customers - because it's also a ritual on the "Three Holy Kings"-day to light again the candles on the christmas-tree. After 2-3 three weeks in the house, the christmas-tree is so extremely dry, that a little spark is enough to inflame it explosion-like
Indeed, we had several burned down houses, caused by the christmas-candles at the 6th January.
Indeed, we had several burned down houses, caused by the christmas-candles at the 6th January.
@CCF: the "Three Wise Men" (in German "Heilige Drei Könige" = "Holy Three Kings")-celebration on the 6th January, is orign Catholic. In Germany the Catholic people are celebrating it.
I'm not a member of a church, so it's nothing, which I know closer, but at this day it's unusual over here, that children got presents. Here it's usual, that the kids are going around to the houses, disguised as the Three Holy Men and are collecting donations for the Catholic humanity-organizations, mainly for their work in the Third World. After you gave some money to them, they are writing with crayon the blessing "C+M+B" and the year besides your door. This crayon-letters weren't washed away, this brings bad luck.
We still have the "C+M+B 08"-blessing at our house, too. The previous owner was Catholic. I think, next 6th Jan, we'll give some money to the "Three Holy Men", too. We're not in a Church, but it's for a good reason.
I'm not a member of a church, so it's nothing, which I know closer, but at this day it's unusual over here, that children got presents. Here it's usual, that the kids are going around to the houses, disguised as the Three Holy Men and are collecting donations for the Catholic humanity-organizations, mainly for their work in the Third World. After you gave some money to them, they are writing with crayon the blessing "C+M+B" and the year besides your door. This crayon-letters weren't washed away, this brings bad luck.
We still have the "C+M+B 08"-blessing at our house, too. The previous owner was Catholic. I think, next 6th Jan, we'll give some money to the "Three Holy Men", too. We're not in a Church, but it's for a good reason.
Yes as i said the same goes for Spain, when my mum was younger, or perhaps we don't even have to go that far in the past but when i was younger nobody used to have Father Christmas/Santa Claus or whatever you want to call him, we just had Three Wise men, but as Antoine says due to TV and from the US etc traditions are stupidly copied, sometimes with the excuse of " oh we give them presents the 25th so they can play for longer during the holiday
" stupid, as if presents were only for the holiday time... i don't like how some foreign traditions are being copied in my contry, just like some people gets dressed on Haloween, when it's been never celebrated here at all...

In Belgium when I was kid there was no "Santa Claus" either, even if we were celebrating Christmas.
Instead there was "Saint Nicolas" (Sinterklaas in Netherlands) on 5/6th December.
(Who is the basis of Santa Claus actually)
It was nice: we were getting presents from Saint Nicolas in early December, and from parents/family in late December; but unfortunate French kids only had presents in late December from Père Noël (Santa Claus)
But now there are both, due to TV etc., mostly because of French & US culture, and I guess that Saint Nicolas will disappear some day, as keeping both is probably weird.
Instead there was "Saint Nicolas" (Sinterklaas in Netherlands) on 5/6th December.
(Who is the basis of Santa Claus actually)
It was nice: we were getting presents from Saint Nicolas in early December, and from parents/family in late December; but unfortunate French kids only had presents in late December from Père Noël (Santa Claus)

But now there are both, due to TV etc., mostly because of French & US culture, and I guess that Saint Nicolas will disappear some day, as keeping both is probably weird.
Every year i wonder where appart from Spain the "Three Wise Men" day is celebrated, in Spain as some of you may know (and if you don't i explain you now
) we "officially" celebrate on January the sixth the "Three Wise Men" day, we don't have Santa Claus/Father Christmas even if some people do celebrate it nowadays because they've coppied it from other countries, but well in my case for example i don't, in my family only the "Three Wise Men" day is celebrated, so i was wondering if some of you knew about this day and where exactly it is celebrated, i know that in countries like México and other latin american ones it is done as well.
I searched for it on wikipedia and it said that in some parts of Germany like Baviera, Baden-Württemberg and Sajonia-Anhalt this day is celebrated as well, is it true? Ingo is there anything you can tell me about it?

I searched for it on wikipedia and it said that in some parts of Germany like Baviera, Baden-Württemberg and Sajonia-Anhalt this day is celebrated as well, is it true? Ingo is there anything you can tell me about it?