Send an answer to a topic: [Done] L'année suivante
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On the site his username is "veturiloj"
According to the info in his profile, "veturiloj" = "vehicles" in Esperanto, "veturilo" being "vehicle".
According to the info in his profile, "veturiloj" = "vehicles" in Esperanto, "veturilo" being "vehicle".
By the way, when I add your user name 'veturilo' it shows me black and not red as usual.
Are you only member of the forum but don't you in the site?
By the way, when I add your user name 'veturilo' it shows me black and not red as usual.
Are you only member of the forum but don't you in the site?
Voici un autobus (une ou deux étoiles)dans le film "L'année suivante" de I. Czajka, 2005
Voici un autobus (une ou deux étoiles)dans le film "L'année suivante" de I. Czajka, 2005
Please link before de imdb link (if it exists) for each movie
Only this bus for the whole movie? any other vehicle? The bus is 1* or 2*? Is it used by any actor or is it used as a character in the movie?