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843 days without answer
Well. The discussion is going longer and this post was about a TV commercial. Maybe we will take up again the matter about animated movies and TV series in "General" but about TV commercials in the site there are unanimity that must have a IMDB link and be considered in IMDB as short movie.
Your post and 'dragonboy's' for the meantime is kept in "contributions"
I still disagree, I still do not see why we should not accept an new series. Only thing that we should do is to more quickly move vehicles to movie comments. For both existing or new series. As soon as few "serious" members of the site (or admins) say that it is not close enough to a real car (we'll always have occasional visitors who will find a model name for any drawing)

Only reason why discussions last is because the unknonwn cars stay on the series pages. I can't do everything, but the one who uploaded pictures or provided them can put them on movie page more quickly and (if not admin) request deletion of the unidentified vehicle page.
Vilero's post seems to be very well thought out and agree with it.
Just one little nick pic with the last of those three points.
How about:
-no to a NEW animated series that is known to be continuing for a long time.
Cos in the forum from me is this animated series: is completely finished and is not coming back, those are the only cars featured in it, but is not on the site yet.
Hence why i have said new animated series that are continuing should not be added, but animated series that aren't there but are cancelled, finished, etc could be added.
I do not see why animated series should be removed but not animation movies. That's the same thing.
What we should avoid is unidentifiable cars, or those which are just wild guesses.

Well, the post is about commercials but the discussion opened about "animated" movies and TV series is good. From the discussion we can get openness and, undoubtedly, our intervention in the site will be done in a better way.
"Are the same thing" yes, animated pics are made in the same way. But the problems about their ID are differents. The problem with the ID or what is "wild guesses" in an animated movie begins and it finishes in the same movie.
In an animated TV series the problem begins in episode 1.01 and you don't know when it will finish.
The user who has posted the animated TV series, naturally, wants that all his pics must be in the page. And later begins the problem. One user says: "this pic must be in comments, its ID isn't clear", but other says: "it's clear is..(the model X)"'s unnecessary. This problem will be the same in an animated movie but it will beging and it will finish at the same time. The problem will not be longer. While, in TV animated series, the problem will be the same in Season 5, 6, 7, etc...

If we agree something about it, it would be better to make an "announce" post.
I go for:
- Yes to animated movies
- Yes to animated TV series thar are now in the site until those animated series be over.
- No to a newanimated series.

Post Data: probably all this discussion would be better in "General"
I do not see why animated series should be removed but not animation movies. That's the same thing.
What we should avoid is unidentifiable cars, or those which are just wild guesses.
I completely disagreew ith everything you've said about getting rid of all animated show. If you can tell what they are then they're fine.
Plus people have done all that work to get all those screenshots and identify what they are and now you just want to throw it all away.
I say just leave them all be but dont allow any future animated show to be added, but we can keep updating current ones, such as Family guy (Which like King of the Hill, the cars are much more well drawn almost practically like the real things), American Dad etc.
I think that this would be a case of allowing or nto allowing, if we start with well drawn or so we will end up with the same problem, we should say yes or not no matter if it's well drawn, i think.
If you want to do away with animated series, then I would agree. But I'm sure we could keep the ones we have already. On another note, what about shows like King of the Hill where most of the cars are fairly well drawn?
I'd agree with removing animated TV series (though not movies, they're still movies after all) if this would leave more space in the database that we need (or at least that's what i understood by what Antoine has said many many times) it's as easy as making a poll and if everybody agrees then every single animated series should go out, it's too simple, the "too late" thing doesn't really count, if we all agree that's it.

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