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I am very appreciative to hear your words of encouragement Neptune and Neon. Although, it has been tough for us leaving Syria, we are actually one of the more fortunate ones, because many Syrians, especially those under fire or extreme danger, do not have the chance to leave or end up as refugees if they are lucky enough to flee to another bordering country. My family was more fortunate, because we were in the safer part of Damascus, where we had the chance to store and then take our essential possessions to America.
But still, I am heartbroken to see how many of the less fortunate civilians are suffering, especially those in the besieged cities and towns across Syria. May God have mercy on those poor people who are suffering the most. The thing I wish for the most is an end to the violence.
But still, I am heartbroken to see how many of the less fortunate civilians are suffering, especially those in the besieged cities and towns across Syria. May God have mercy on those poor people who are suffering the most. The thing I wish for the most is an end to the violence.

Good luck Karoomay... for you and your family. It must be awful leave your homeland because of a war
I hope a day you can go back to you beloved country

My apologies for missing your post karoomay. I sorry to hear about the problems in Syria. I do hope all the issues the country is having can be sorted out. I am glad that you and your family are safe though, and wish the best for other families affected by these events.
Best wishes for you and yours.
Best wishes for you and yours.
Thank you all for your kind words and understanding. And I am glad to see that some of you were intrigued to hear my thoughts about the situation in Syria. Even if the government does collapse, there's still the possible risk of a civil war erupting among the different minorities and religious sects fighting for power. So as rjluna said, only time will tell of what could happen in the future.

Same as the other: thanks for sharing this, and good luck for the future, as I imagine that it is a quite difficult situation indeed.
night cub
I can't imagine what you and your family is going through. It sounds awful. At least for you, going to school in the US will help you adjust to the new situation. Hopefully the rebels will overthrow Assad, and the country can return to normal. Welcome back and best of luck!!!
What a terrible waste.
I wish you the best endeavor from your own country from it destruction
I hope for the best that your country will come out better than before when the government does fails. Only time will tell

I hope for the best that your country will come out better than before when the government does fails. Only time will tell

Agree with dsl and Ford Guy. It must be painful to have to leave your country against your choice. It might seem unlikely now but, whilst it may be months or more likely years, the fighting will stop one day and it will be safe for you and your family to return.
Thank you for sharing this and best of luck to you and your family, as well as the people of Syria.