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Thanks for the tip, I added your comment to the movie page, it will be easier for people to se it then:
If you or someone else have a picture of the tank in the movie, it can be added to the page as well.
Thanks for the tip, I added your comment to the movie page, it will be easier for people to se it then:
If you or someone else have a picture of the tank in the movie, it can be added to the page as well.
The movie "The Hunted" (2003), is missing a T 55 A from the list of vehicles used. Additionally this movie appears to be the source of the same vehicle from Star Trek Enterprise and the movie Montana. The relevant links are below, in the order mentioned. I was curious so I spent the last hour digging through stuff, I figured I would leave the information here in case someone found it helpful.
The movie appears to be the same based on the burnt out tank chassis by the road and some of the objects on fire (the building in the enterprise entry and the tree in the Montana entry) in the introduction to "The Hunted." Additionally, just as a matter of interest, it appears there is deleted or behind the scenes footage on getty images which reinforces this conclusion.
The movie appears to be the same based on the burnt out tank chassis by the road and some of the objects on fire (the building in the enterprise entry and the tree in the Montana entry) in the introduction to "The Hunted." Additionally, just as a matter of interest, it appears there is deleted or behind the scenes footage on getty images which reinforces this conclusion.