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Cars & Movies » How can you get your car into a movie?
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How can you get your car into a movie?
Published 01/02/2007 @ 20:18:31, By NickWilson
Does anyone know what it takes to get a classic car to be used in a movie?

Just thought the readers might want to see pictures of my Viper Blue 1973 Pontiac Grand Am.
I also have pictures of my 1954 Studebaker Conestoga I hope you take a look and enjoy them as much as I do.
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How can you get your car into a movie?
Published 10/02/2007 @ 18:00:13, By Richard of C
If they are filming in your area find out if there is a union local. If there is one talked to somebody that is in the transportation department or in the art department. If it is a non union area talk to a film location manager and tell them you are interested in renting your car. You can talk to your local film office about this as well. Richard
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