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Camry first gen sedan
Published 29/05/2008 @ 01:56:09, By tali
Can anyone provide me with a pic of Camry first gen sedan digital dashboard pic- (UK gli executives had this dash - don't know if other markets did) :smile:
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Camry first gen sedan
Published 29/05/2008 @ 23:17:45, By taxiguy
Well, there just so happens to be a 1986 Camry sitting in our driveway at this very moment. But as far as a digital dashboard :lol: I think you are sadly mistaken my friend. :wink:

Latest Edition: 29/05/2008 @ 23:18:00
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Camry first gen sedan
Published 01/06/2008 @ 14:55:48, By tali
The UK(which i mentioned along with other markets to clarify in my post) ) -so i assume only UK Gli Executives had the digi dash
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Camry first gen sedan
Published 02/06/2008 @ 00:20:46, By taxiguy
Still, I doubt that it ever had it though on any version in any country. At this point in time the Camry was still a very cheap car. A digital dash is a very elegant feature reserved for fancy upscale cars such as the Olds Toranado or Buick Electra. Let me ask you this, do they put leather seats in a Ford Escort? :grin:

PS. even if I am wrong and it did have a digital dash, I doubt you'll ever find a picture as these cars are very rare these days, especially in the UK where they did not sell very well. :ohwell:
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Camry first gen sedan
Published 02/06/2008 @ 02:47:01, By IRT_BMT_IND
Your best bet would be to find an old brochure.

Latest Edition: 02/06/2008 @ 02:50:39
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Camry first gen sedan
Published 02/06/2008 @ 03:03:02, By tali
Still, I doubt that it ever had it though on any version in any country. At this point in time the Camry was still a very cheap car. A digital dash is a very elegant feature reserved for fancy upscale cars such as the Olds Toranado or Buick Electra. Let me ask you this, do they put leather seats in a Ford Escort? :grin:

PS. even if I am wrong and it did have a digital dash, I doubt you'll ever find a picture as these cars are very rare these days, especially in the UK where they did not sell very well. :ohwell:

I know my UK Camrys as well as you know the US ones - i can assure you 100 % GUARANTEED -that Gli Executive 1984-86 had digital dash , i remember a friend of mine had one - and i also had brochure which has been sadly misplaced.I disagree with what else you say as the 1984 cheapo Suzuki swift sa310 gl also had a digital dash as did the MG maestro/vauxhall astra /fiat uno turbo none of these were upscale cars -were they?I do agree difficulty in locating a pic - as i exhausted all online avenues before posting here.
Given such gadgetry was more popular in USA i assumed USA Gli Executive would have had this dash aswell
The UK celica supra of that time also had a digital dash.
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Camry first gen sedan
Published 07/06/2008 @ 08:09:42, By BlackIce_GTS
Still, I doubt that it ever had it though on any version in any country. At this point in time the Camry was still a very cheap car. A digital dash is a very elegant feature reserved for fancy upscale cars such as the Olds Toranado or Buick Electra. Let me ask you this, do they put leather seats in a Ford Escort? :grin:

I know several Toyotas made around that time had optional digital dashes; Corona, Cressida, Supra. I'd be more suprised if you couldn't get one on a Camry.
They really weren't low end cars, I don't know what Toyota's North American lineup was at the time, but at least the Corolla and Tercel were cheaper.
Can anyone provide me with a pic of Camry first gen sedan digital dashboard pic- (UK gli executives had this dash - don't know if other markets did) :smile:

Not entirely helpfull, but I know the Corona and Supra dashboards were the same part, so maybe the Cressida and Camry ones are as well?
Here's an '85 Cressida:
File: file_22496_ok.jpg ( 61.9 KB - 1544 )

Latest Edition: 07/06/2008 @ 08:12:17
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Camry first gen sedan
Published 07/06/2008 @ 21:03:43, By taxiguy

i assumed USA Gli Executive would have had this dash aswell

No such thing, the trim levels here were simply Base and LE

I know several Toyotas made around that time had optional digital dashes; Corona, Cressida, Supra. I'd be more suprised if you couldn't get one on a Camry.

Yes, but the Camry was slotted below all three of those cars :grin:
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Camry first gen sedan
Published 08/06/2008 @ 05:56:12, By BlackIce_GTS
I just assumed the Corona was cheaper. They didn't sell that generation in North America, did they?
Here's what they had, pretty much identical to a MkII Supra:
File: file_22515_ok.jpg ( 123.7 KB - 1277 )
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Camry first gen sedan
Published 08/06/2008 @ 18:30:32, By taxiguy
In the US the Camry actually replaced the Corona for 1983, thus we do not have any Coronas newer than 1982 models here.
Nice dash by the way. Although I must imagine all those electronics must be a nightmare after it becomes 20 years old :kiki:
Where did you get that picture anyway? It looks homemade, is it your car?
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Camry first gen sedan
Published 09/06/2008 @ 03:47:49, By BlackIce_GTS
Nope, found the pictures of that car (a white Corona GT-TR) on some Japanese page.
I do have an '84 Supra with a digital dash, but it doesn't run. I never had any problem with the dash when it was running, it just leaked oil like a sieve. And then the alternator went. :sad:
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Camry first gen sedan
Published 09/06/2008 @ 20:47:58, By taxiguy
Our '86 Camry doesn't run anymore either, and it too leaks oil (among other things :grin: )
I don't even want to imagine all the fluid stains I would see on the driveway if I looked underneath that car :kiki:
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Camry first gen sedan
Published 12/07/2008 @ 01:39:39, By tali
I just assumed the Corona was cheaper. They didn't sell that generation in North America, did they?
Here's what they had, pretty much identical to a MkII Supra:

Yes that's the dash the Camry and Celica Supra had .Celica Supra was one of the very first Jap cars sold in UK with digi dash
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