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[done] Spooks TV Series (2002-2009)
Published 08/11/2009 @ 00:16:40, By Sandie

Hi all, these are my first captures so I apologise if they poor quality.

All are from Episode 8:01

A BMW 320 M Sport Coupe [E92] used by a dodgy MI6 agent ** maybe ***

A Cadillac Escallade used by a CIA agent. Looks to be Right Hand Drive **

Some bad guys drive past in this Jeep Cherokee/Liberty (Don't know the correct name for the car in Cyprus where this scene is set) **

Lexus LS600h used by the main characters. Will probably be used again in the series and as such probably ****

A Mercedes SUV that I think might be an ML63AMG * possibly **
The wheel of the above Merc might help identify it.

A Peugeot 106 used in the scenes set in Cyprus by one of the characters. Used to get away from the bad guys who pulled up in the Jeep. ***

A Volvo S80 which is used by back up agents when the ones in the Lexus apprehend the guy in the Caddy **

If the quality of these are Okay then I'll continue with the rest of series 8 then go back over past series on DVD when I can.

Latest Edition: 11/11/2009 @ 15:44:48
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Spooks TV Series (2002-2009)
Published 10/11/2009 @ 21:09:49, By vilero
This is OK

If you use ImageShack, you know, thumbnail for forum (1) and pics with (like yours) no more than 720X..
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Spooks TV Series (2002-2009)
Published 10/11/2009 @ 23:46:43, By Gag Halfrunt
I suspect that the scene set in Cyprus was filmed in a different country. The Peugeot is left hand drive, but Cyprus drives on the left and so most cars there are right hand drive.
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Spooks TV Series (2002-2009)
Published 11/11/2009 @ 15:44:04, By walter.

Sandie, I think these images are good enough, so you can continue with this
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