Cars & Movies » What car and movie is this?
What car and movie is this?
Published 12/06/2010 @ 06:31:49, By Scissor

Latest Edition: 12/06/2010 @ 06:32:28
What car and movie is this?
Published 14/06/2010 @ 03:34:19, By snarfblatt
I believe it's from the movie "A Fire in the Sky", about an alien abduction in northern Arizona. The truck looks like a 1963 Dodge crew-cab.l
What car and movie is this?
Published 17/06/2010 @ 13:40:19, By Scissor
Thank you, the movie is "Fire in the sky"
What car and movie is this?
Published 10/09/2010 @ 17:39:29, By Scissor
Can you help me with this one?
Latest Edition: 10/09/2010 @ 17:40:10

Latest Edition: 10/09/2010 @ 17:40:10
What car and movie is this?
Published 10/09/2010 @ 19:22:31, By ingo
I've no idea about the movie, but due the lamps I think, the car coulde be British Ford, a Prefect or so.
What car and movie is this?
Published 10/09/2010 @ 19:49:51, By owlman
Sorry, I don't know, but I have to ask... where did you come across that screenshot? I'm just curious how people end up with these strange screenshots from movies they don't know

What car and movie is this?
Published 10/09/2010 @ 20:15:11, By Sandie
Me too.
Can't find anything similar amongst the [100E] Fords listed.
Can't find anything similar amongst the [100E] Fords listed.
What car and movie is this?
Published 10/09/2010 @ 21:52:00, By chris40
Austin A40 Farina Mk.I [ADO8]?
What car and movie is this?
Published 14/09/2010 @ 17:20:24, By Scissor
I discovered the movie, thank you all.
What car and movie is this?
Published 14/09/2010 @ 17:23:37, By Scissor