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Useful info and links for identification » Can you identify this car is under the cover?
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Can you identify this car is under the cover?
Published 16/06/2016 @ 01:55:57, By fordnmazdaftw98
Can you identify this car in this picture? It's under a cover.
I'm thinking it's a Mazda 3 sedan.

And can you identify this car that's also under a cover?$-1/thumb/2000x0/sliderimages/cover.jpg

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Can you identify this car is under the cover?
Published 16/06/2016 @ 04:21:18, By Baube
no idea for the 1st one but 2nd one... Ford Mustang ?
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Can you identify this car is under the cover?
Published 22/06/2016 @ 12:03:43, By Exiv96
The second one is a CGI picture anyway.
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