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Mercury Milan Ad, very funny stuff
Published 19/07/2006 @ 01:39:01, By user-.html
I have the 2006 Mercury Milan DVD brochure, it features a 3D tour of the all-new Milan, 4 Mercury commercials (3 Milan and 1 Mercury "New Doors Opened"), a crappy Milan video diary (similar to the Lincoln Zephyr one), an introduction to Mercury's official website and the Milan mini-site ( and the Mercury Theatre's "Charlie 2.0." You may not find it that funny, but I thought it was hilarious. It had absolutely nothing to do with Mercury or the Milan, but it was a short film about a loser underdog who was always being cut short. He was a business man and while sitting in his car with his friend comtemplating about being cut-short by a fast food joint which gave him 5 chicken nugets instead of 6 when he is rear-ended by a blonde in a silver BMW convertible. His friend has gotton the license plate number, and they track her down and late at night bring a bat to her Beamer's windsheild (twice with a little victory speach given by Charlie) The blonde, leaves when he says she needs to pay and the very next day (as he is disgusing another woe), the blonde becomse his boss. He also has left the bat he hit the BMW with at the crime scene and it happened to have his name on it. Well, you can guess the rest. It ends with a restraining order, a new job at a mechanic shop and another rear-end by a cute girl in a red sedan. Expect pictures of the five cars used in the contributions section.
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