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Has anybody seen my bus in a move?
Published 25/09/2020 @ 11:51:54, By LeeGandhi
So I have recently bought a 1979 Volkswagen Bus (Type 2 / T2)out of Burbank CA. The previous owner claims that it was used as a movie prop before he restored it. He couldn’t remember what movies/shows, but has a picture of it from before the restoration.

It was restored about 10 years ago, so a film pre-2010. Being in Burbank I would think either a Universal or Warner Bros. film. Plus, we drove with the previous owners to the house that they had purchased it from, and it was about a block away from WB studio. The engine was missing when they purchased it, not sure if that helps.

Thanks again
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Latest Edition: 25/09/2020 @ 11:58:00
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