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Cars & Movies » Does anyone know what movie or series this scene is from?
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Does anyone know what movie or series this scene is from?
Published 22/02/2021 @ 11:51:04, By Blenda
BMW Convertible.
File: envio1.png ( 229.2 KB - 933 )
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Does anyone know what movie or series this scene is from?
Published 22/02/2021 @ 11:54:18, By Blenda
Another photo from the same film.
File: snapshot27.png ( 231.9 KB - 950 )
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Does anyone know what movie or series this scene is from?
Published 22/02/2021 @ 11:58:39, By Blenda
I have long tried to know the name of this film or series.
But if you know the car model, it helps.
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Does anyone know what movie or series this scene is from?
Published 22/02/2021 @ 21:06:44, By Sandie
It's an E36 shape 3 Series cabrio, but couldn't find it on a quick skim of the site.
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Does anyone know what movie or series this scene is from?
Published 22/02/2021 @ 21:07:39, By JB007
BMW 3 Cabrio [E36] for me.
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Does anyone know what movie or series this scene is from?
Published 23/02/2021 @ 01:01:43, By night cub
Was it a European or American film?
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Does anyone know what movie or series this scene is from?
Published 23/02/2021 @ 18:25:16, By Blenda
Was it a European or American film?

I think it is European. I'm not sure.
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Does anyone know what movie or series this scene is from?
Published 23/02/2021 @ 18:28:04, By Blenda
It's an E36 shape 3 Series cabrio, but couldn't find it on a quick skim of the site.

Thanks, I also searched here on the site and I didn't find
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Does anyone know what movie or series this scene is from?
Published 23/02/2021 @ 18:28:43, By Blenda
BMW 3 Cabrio [E36] for me.

THX :smile:
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