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Ford Crown Victoria in a 2020 episode of The First 48
Published 22/03/2022 @ 04:49:12, By Caboverlover
I was very surprised to see this because I didn't know some departments were still using them.
File: Screenshot_2022-03-21_23-42-34.jpg ( 75.5 KB - 453 )

Latest Edition: 22/03/2022 @ 05:01:57
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Ford Crown Victoria in a 2020 episode of The First 48
Published 07/07/2022 @ 16:55:42, By caravan
I was very surprised to see this because I didn't know some departments were still using them.

They are still using them in my area , however the Ford Taurus and Explorer are somewhat more common.
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Ford Crown Victoria in a 2020 episode of The First 48
Published 06/01/2023 @ 08:55:11, By MisterZ

They are still using them in my area , however the Ford Taurus and Explorer are somewhat more common.

Season 34 of COPS (2022-23) has Crown Vics in a few eps, but it's possible the episodes were filmed some years ago.
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