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Chevrolet C-10 on "Falcon Crest"
Published 08/01/2024 @ 20:27:23, By TJP
The discussion about this vehicle
caught my interest.

Which model year is the attached junk car?

From the discussion, I gathered that three different picture cars were used although they are supposed to be the same truck in the storyline:
- 1962 Chevrolet C-10 in the series première # 1.01 (main screen capture on IMCDb for episode # 1.01);
- 1964-66 Chevrolet C-20 in the flashback scenes from # 1.18 (due to the different grille and headlights)

But what is the junk Chevy in # 1.17 (attached screen capture)? Is this the 1964-66 grille again?
I'm sure it's a third picture car since the scene from # 1.17 was shot approx. 10 days earlier than the flashback segment from # 1.18 (where the picture car was still intact).
Any ideas on the specifications (model year) of this junk Chevy? Thanks a lot!
File: 017 Chevrolet C-10 - Kopie.jpg ( 108.4 KB - 301 )
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