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Can anyone identify this car?
Published 13/10/2024 @ 08:50:53, By blendi81
it's from an old soviet movie called Mirage. I've been searching for this model everywhere but can't find the answer.
File: 2024-09-27_19-51-31.png ( 249.7 KB - 152 )

Latest Edition: 13/10/2024 @ 08:53:10
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Can anyone identify this car?
Published 13/10/2024 @ 08:59:14, By blendi81
this car in the movie

Latest Edition: 13/10/2024 @ 09:02:56
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Can anyone identify this car?
Published 13/10/2024 @ 09:17:41, By night cub
1973 Olds Cutlass S
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