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Since you say it was not known as an SUV at the time (which is correct) can it be called an SUV now?
Can it be classed as a SUV now? Sure it can. Albeit its more of a Utility Vehicle than a Sport Utility Vehicle. But a SUV nonetheless. The modern Four-Wheel-Drive Jeep Wrangler, although it does not share any mechanical similarities with the Original Willys Military Jeep, it does have the same basic cosmetic design, and it is classed as a SUV.
Many people argue that the Chevrolet Suburban (1935-Persent) is the first family Wagon SUV, (the version of SUV you are referring to that was able to carry more people and their belongings) but the problem with that claim is that the Suburban didn’t receive Four-Wheel-Drive until about 1960.
1935 Chevrolet Suburban
(Click to enlarge)

The first real Four-Wheel-Drive Wagon SUV, is the Willys Jeep Wagon (1946-1965) and was powered by the Willys "Go-Devil" engine (the same engine that powered the Original Willys Military Jeep) It received Four-Wheel-Drive in 1949, long before the Chevrolet Suburban. The Willys Jeep Wagon is credited as the "Grandfather" of the modern day SUV.
1949 Willys Jeep Wagon Four-Wheel-Drive
(Click to enlarge)