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although him shouting at me didn't make it easier. Piece of advice to all teenagers: don't let your parents teach you how to drive
What a huge truth that you say is G-MANN, my dad is exactly the same, and it was not that bad when in an industrial state he taught me few years ago but now, i dont own a car so i drvie his, and it is the most annoying thing ever, ive even got angry at some points and stop driving that day because off him, not to mention when i stall the car what a drama, that you mention about slopes is still terrible for me, form some reason at the driving school they tought me how to start in a slope not using the hand brake, ven in a very clined one, but my car is heavy and has not a lot of horse power so doing it without hand brake would stall it, i yet have not came across with a high noe with my car but i know onw of these days i will, and i have not even tried it yet so perhaps the day it happens to me ill stall it once over and over again.
PS: That's one of the reasons i want an automatic.